Friday, January 21, 2011

Facebook Marketing Strategy For $1300 In 24 Hours

By Rachael Macgregor

Facebook marketing strategies are posted all over the internet. So many people want to use Facebook to market their businesses but they don't know where to start and get confused by all the different options. In the following article you are going to learn how to follow a SIMPLE Facebook Marketing Strategy that is proven to get results in the first 24 hours.

This is the exact Facebook marketing strategy I used to make over $1300 in 24 hours within my first 90 days online.

First what you need to do before you start this Facebook marketing strategy is ensure that your Facebook profile is suitable for business. You should have a clear and recent photo of your self as your profile picture, make sure your photo albums that can be viewed by friends are suitable (no drunken nights out!) and show you having fun on vacation, with family etc.

Ensure that your information page on Facebook has your phone number, email address and skype/aim/msn details so that people can get in touch. Do NOT put your affiliate links or business opportunity links in your profile. The method of marketing we are teaching you is going to have people coming to YOU asking you to buy from you or join your business. By putting your sign up/retail link in your profile you will only make people think that you are desperate for business.

By all means include links to your blog and other social media profiles but only if they provide value for your viewers and not just product promotion...but you do not even need a website to use this Facebook marketing strategy, that's how POWERFUL it is!

Next step is to up set a Facebook fan page. The benefits of a fan page are that you can mass contact all your fans using the Facebook messaging service. This is something that is not allowed through profiles. Another benefit of using a fan page for marketing is that you can make a landing page with an opt in form so that visitors can claim a f gift from you for becoming a fan. If you do not know how to set up a fan page there's a great free tutorial at the end of this article, just click "Free 5 Day Success Formula".

Once you have set up your basic fan page, you need to add a photo. Again this should be a happy, clear and recent photo of yourself.

Next click the "suggest to friends" link under your photo so that you can recommend that your friends become fans of your page.

Once you have set up your profile and fan page you can start the Facebook marketing strategy below. If you prefer to see this in more depth in video you can get the 5 Day Success Formula at the end of this article which goes into more detail.

Here are the steps you should be taking DAILY to create a massive following and steady stream of leads for your business -

1. Join as many groups as possible related to your target audience. A great tool for finding groups on Facebook is called "Advanced Search 2.2 Beta" which allows you to search for groups by size and keyword. Search for Facebook groups where people you want to expose to your business will be hanging out. A great group I use for meeting people in home based businesses is called "Network Marketing Rockstars".

2. Start to add friends from these groups. Request 5-10 per day. If Facebook asks you to confirm that you know someone by clicking the "Yes I Know Mr. X". Do NOT click it. Facebook has detected that you have been adding too many friends and you need to take a break for 24 hours before resuming. Be sure to add a personal message in your friend request telling that person why you would like to network with them. Do NOT include links in the friend request. This is a sure-fire way to annoy Facebook and is not good marketing practice. Build relationships first, then approach people with your product or opportunity.

3. Create a piece of content on your fan page daily. This could be a video, note, inspiring quote. The purpose of this is to give VALUE to people in your target market NOT make a sale. When you start producing content it makes you look like an EXPERT in your area. Who would you rather do business with - an expert or a pushy sales person? Exactly. Keep it informative and people will naturally flock to you. If your content is good, people will also share your content with their friends of Facebook, Twitter, Digg etc. further increasing exposure.

4. Post the link to your content on at least 20 groups per day. Make sure you include a link to your fan page in everything you post so that people can find out more about you. The more you post, the more people will add you as a friend and want to know more about your business.

5. Send a message to every person that adds you as a friend on Facebook and start conversations with them. Find out about them and build a relationship. Soon you will have 60+ friend requests a day so this is a VERY important part of this strategy and means that people will start sharing your content and recommending you to others. Do not neglect this part just because it seems too simple. It is VERY POWERFUL.

6.  Now make sure you regularly contact your fans with updates and valuable information. Use your fan page to ask fans questions and encourage interaction. Host regular events and invite them. Do competitions and offers for fans only. Focus on making your fan page a source of information and it will grow out of control (remember to continue doing all other steps daily).

If you take serious action and apply the above steps you WILL see results. In fact, with my team we usually see people get about 15-30 leads per day within just 3 weeks of starting this strategy!

If you would like more step by step information on Facebook Marketing Strategies, plus tutorials on Twitter, YouTube that we personally use in our team to get our members making over $1000 in a day in under 90 days you can grab our free 5 Day Success Formula by clicking the link in the author resource box.

Have fun with this powerful Facebook Marketing Strategy!

Rachael Macgregor is a 23 year old stay at home mother who discovered a simple []Facebook Marketing Strategy that she used to make over $1300 in just 24 hours online. She now teaches others this success formula for free in her []5 Day Success Formula.

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Facebook Marketing - How to Use Facebook to Explode Your Traffic and Profits

  By Jeremy A Gislason

If you are not already familiar with Facebook marketing and social media networking, you are missing out on a significant amount of highly targeted traffic.

If done correctly, all of this traffic can be yours for free. All that is required is some time invested on your part. Without wasting any more time, let's get you making some money with this free traffic.

Facebook, The King of Social Networks

Facebook has been gaining market share at an alarming rate; and it is by far the biggest social networking site available. What does this mean for us marketers?

It means there are millions of people within these networks who are potential leads for our business. Can you imagine what a few million people would do for your bottom line?

Don't get carried away just yet. As with anything worthwhile, successfully tapping into Facebook marketing is quite time-consuming and an elaborate process. But don't despair, because people are profiting from Facebook already. Are you ready to take action to get your share?

Joining Niche-Related Facebook Groups

Facebook has thousands of groups that are free to join and hundreds being created by the hour. You are definitely bound to find some groups that are in your niche.

These groups are gold for any marketer because it literally gives you access to thousands of targeted people who are already interested in some way in what you are trying to sell them.

The key with these Facebook groups is getting members to invite you as friends. To accomplish this, start posting on the discussion boards, post ideas and tips and answer other's questions.

Just go in there with the mentality of making friends. Eventually, if done correctly, you will have people inviting you to be their friends and you now have leads for your business targeted to your specific niche.

Do This With Facebook If You Want To Mess Up

At this point, you should have a few potential leads as part of your friend network on Facebook. Now you need to continue to establish your reputation with them.

It is extremely important you don't go in and try to sell them immediately. You have to treat these people as your friends. They have to know that you are trying to help them, not trying to pitch them a product.

Imagine how used they will feel if as soon as you add them as a friend, you send them a message trying to sell them something. These people added you because they thought of you as a friend, and more importantly, an authority in your specific niche who is willing to help them. Don't blow it with a premature sales pitch.

Successfully Engaging Your Facebook Friends

Now that you know what not to do, let's discuss something that you should do that will eventually net you some sales.

Your status updates are a very powerful feature. Post useful information to your Facebook friends. Let them know some things about your life, engage them with your story, get them posting comments on your profile.

At that point, when you see that your Facebook friends are engaged with you, then you could start hitting them with subtle marketing links. This means directing them to a blog with an affiliate link, NOT directly pitching a product right on your Facebook.

Create a blog post with useful information, and then link your buddies to it while adding a subtle affiliate link in there. That is the best way to get your friends to convert into sales.

If you do this correctly, you should have an ever-growing stream of traffic to your site or blog every time you have something useful to say.

Expanding Your Facebook Empire

Joining groups and posting on discussion boards is great, but why limit yourself to someone else's group? Facebook allows you to create your own group that you can market to. This is by far the easiest way to get a large list of people interested in your niche, together in one place.

Invite your friends to the group, let other groups in your niche know about the group you just created, and continue to grow your empire.

You have to treat your own group as a list because you can message all of your members at once whenever you like. The key is to grow your list and put in action the tips learned previously in this article.

To recap, do not spam your group. Add real value to your members and they will be much more receptive to your advertising.

Closing Nuggets

When doing Facebook marketing, always remember that people love putting a name to a face. Make sure your profile and your groups both have plenty of pictures and videos.

If possible, get a few of your friends together and hang out, tag people in your pictures and videos if they where there, and continue to grow your business virally.

Remember that successful Facebook marketing and social media networking is not something you can do in a day; it may take weeks or even months to implement everything correctly. But once set up appropriately, you could have thousands of targeted buyers at your disposal.

Want to discover the   best website traffic tips to quickly and easily attract a steady stream of cash-paying customers? Now you can learn how to get the most effective, time-tested tactics to consistently get your site in front of as many people as possible at

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